Студија За Јавни Набавки


Multikultura Analysis, ALB

Multikultura Analysis, MK

The Annual Report, Multikultura 2017


A new memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Justice in the Republic of North Macedonia

Published: 2020-12-24

On 23rd of December 2020, at the Ministry of Justice in Skopje, Minister of Justice of the Republic of North Macedonia, Bojan Marichikj, the Executive Director of the Association Multikultura as well as the representatives of eighteen other associations and legal clinics signed a Memorandum of cooperation in order to more effectively provide free legal aid and access to justice.

Within the cooperation, the signatories of the memorandum will establish cooperation in order to exchange experiences, information, technical assistance and support in order to improve their work within the legal competencies.


The Local socio-economic council of the Municipality of Tetovo with a new strategic plan for the period 2021-2024

Published: 2020-11-26

The Municipal Council of Tetova today, in its 36th session, just adopted the "Strategic Plan of the Local Socio-Economic Council of the Municipality of Tetovo for the period 2021-2024".

During the period September - November 2020, the Association Multikultura in cooperation with the Local Socio-Economic Council of the Municipality of Tetovo, developed the new strategic plan for the period 2021 - 2024, as a need for further development and strengthening the role of this council as an actor in the economic-social dialogue at the local level, but also as a need to expand the scope, strengthen networking and greater partici+pation in policy making, not only at the local level but also at the national level.

The strategic planning process was very inclusive with the participation of partners in the Local Socio-EconomicCouncil of Tetovo, including representatives from different sectors in the municipality, representatives of primary and secondary education, representatives of youth associations, representatives of municipalities from the region of Polog who are interested in establishing economic-social dialogue, as well as representatives of employers' associations. A two-day strategic planning workshop was organized to discuss the challenges this council faces in its work so far, local needs in the fields of education, economics, workers' rights and youth issues.



Published: 2020-10-15

Shikoni videon dhe mësoni më shumë për korrupsionin dhe format më të shpeshta të korrupsionit.
Nëse ju personalisht jeni ballafaquar me korrupsion, atëherë vizitoni këndin tonë juridik në hapësirat e Komunës së Zhelinës, çdo të martë nga ora 14:00 deri 16:00 ose na kontaktoni në numrin e telefonit 070/858-144.

Погледнете го видеото и научете повеќе за корупцијата и најчестите форми на корупција.
Доколку лично сте се соочиле со корупција, тогаш посетете го нашето правно катче во просторите на општина Желино, секој вторник од 14:00 до 16:00 часот или контактирајте го адвокатот на телефонскиот број 070/858-144.


Бесплатна Правна Помош

Published: 2020-10-15

Në kuadër të Projektit të USAID për pjesëmarrje qytetare, Shoqata Multikultura formoi kënd juridik për qytetarët e Komunës së Zhelinës!

- Jeni banor i Komunës së Zhelinës
- Keni nevojë për këshilla dhe ndihmë jurdike
- Keni nevojë të paraqitni raste te korrupsionit apo konflikt të interesit

Nëse po, vizitoni këndin juridik në hapësirat e Komunës së Zhelinës, çdo të martë nga ora 14:00 deri 16:00, ose kontaktoni avokatin në numrin e telefonit 070/858-144.

Të gjithë këto shërbime janë falas!

Во рамките на Проектот на УСАИД за граѓанско учество, Здружение Мултикултура почна да работи правно катче за граѓаните на Општина Желино!

- Жител сте на Општина Желино
- Имате потреба за правни совети и правна помош
- Имате потреба да пријавите случаи на корупција или судир на интереси

Ако да, посететe го нашето правно катче во просториите на Општина Желино секој вторник од 14:00 до 16:00 часот или контактирајте го адвокатот во телефонскиот број 070/858-144.

Сите овие услуги се бесплатни!


Capacity building training for the representatives of the Local Economic Social Council of Tetovo

Published: 2020-10-08

Within the frames of the project “Local cooperation for social dialogue”, on 6th and 7th October 2020,was organized the training on capacity building for the representatives of the Local Economic Social Council of Tetovo and young people from the Municipality of Tetovo in order to strengthen their capacities in project writing and successful implementation of the strategic documents of this council.

During the first day of the training, the main focus was the previous work done by the Local Economic-Social Council of Tetovo through years, good practices and challenges of this council, while the second day the representatives of the Local Economic-Social Council of Tetovo and young people worked on the development of the strategic documents of the council for the period 2021-2024.

This activity is financed by Olof Palme International Center and supported by Swedish Government.

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Draft Strategic Plan of the Local Economic Social Council of Tetovo for the period 2021-2024

Annual Report 2019 - Association Multikultura

Annual Report 2018 - Association Multikultura

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